
Suicide attack kills 17 in mosque: Saudi Channel

More than 20 persons lost their lives in those attacks in the Saudi Kingdom. Local media described it as a “terrorist attack”.


The Saudi Emergency Force is the special operations counter-terrorism unit of the Saudi Arabian General Security.

It is recalled that on Friday, May 22, twenty people were killed as a suicide bomber blew himself up at a Shia mosque in eastern Saudi Arabia during Friday prayers.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility.

The prosecutor played footage taken by security cameras showing Saud driving the auto with the bomber seated next to him, before he dropped him off and left.

Interior Ministry spokesman Maj. The state-owned Al-Ekhbariya news channel earlier gave a higher death toll, reporting that 17 had been killed in the attack.

Last month, Saudi officials claimed that they had foiled the Islamic State’s plot to attack seven mosques, diplomatic missions, and security forces.

On successive Fridays in May suicide bombings at mosques of the minority Shiite community in Eastern Province killed a total of 25 people.


The group considers Shiites to be heretics.

The victims were members of a Special Weapons and Tactics unit