
Whole Foods Selling $6 Asparagus Water

CBS- Whole Foods selling a bottle of water with three stalks of raw asparagus inside and calling it “Asparagus Water” didn’t seem real.


However, Whole Foods said the product made it onto store shelves by mistake.

But that hasn’t stopped people from mocking the store online.

As an L.A. resident, Wakim is used to health food trends like kale soft-serve or “Swole Cakes”, but this product struck her as ridiculous.

Well, you won’t be quenched at one Whole Foods store after they pulled “asparagus water”.

“Asparagus Water” is exactly what it sounds like.

Social media users were quick to chime in, poking fun at bottles of “asparagus water” ($6!).

Feeling thirsty? How about a nice refreshing bottle of asparagus infused water.

“It was meant to be water with the essence of vegetables and/or mushrooms (similar to bone broth), which is typically made over a long period of time soaking in water”, said Liz Burkhart. Last month company executives issued a public apology after the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs revealed several instances of overcharging on pre-packaged foods in New York stores; that was followed by a disappointing third quarter earnings report.


Dale Smith, a radio DJ at 107.5 Kool FM in Barrie, taste-tested his own asparagus water Thursday morning on the air. It’s a jar of water with a few stalks of asparagus in it.

“Somewhere in L.A. Whole Foods executives are laughing at all of us,”