
UK, US Bond Remains Special Despite Brexit – Obama

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said on Saturday that Scotland will launch immediate talks with European Union nations and institutions to find a way to remain in the bloc despite Britain’s vote to leave.


His French counterpart Jean-Marc Ayrault said it was urgent that David Cameron, who on Friday said he would resign by October, clear the way for new leadership to manage the transition out of the union.

Mr Cameron has said the Brexit vote was the “will of the British people” which was an “instruction which must be delivered”.

European Union leaders and senior politicians will hold a series of meetings across the next week as they determine how to move forward without Britain and how to avoid a mass exodus. That was my main reason for voting out.

Since the shock vote on Thursday, won 52-48 per cent by the Leave camp in defiance of polls and the bulk of the British establishment, there have been calls in Britain for the result to be reviewed or for parliament to ignore the referendum.

It was the biggest blow to European solidarity since the end of World War II in 1945.

They also acknowledged that among the remaining 27 member states there were differing “levels of ambition” for European integration and had “to find ways to better deal with” them.

Northern Ireland also showed strong pro-EU sentiment, and Sinn Fein Chairman Declan Kearney has re-opened the debate on reuniting the north with the Republic of Ireland.

Global stock markets are in sell-off mode and currencies are swinging wildly. However Janet Yellen, the chair of the U.S. Federal Reserve, said Wednesday, before the referendum, that she did not plan any special meetings to respond to the result.

In the USA, S&P futures dropped 5 percent overnight and DOW Jones futures fell by 600 points.

The gold prices went up, as investors rushed out to secure their money in a safer investment. “It looks like a sad day for Europe and Britain”.

There has been anger among large sections of the British public about having to leave the European Union, with the younger generation who overwhelmingly voted to remain particularly making themselves heard.

The European Central Bank said Britain’s financial industry, which employs 2.2 million people, would lose the right to serve clients in the EU unless the country signed up to its market.

The foreign ministers of the EU’s six founding states met in Berlin to discuss what happens now, with an extraordinary plenary session to be held by the European Parliament on Tuesday “to adopt a resolution assessing the outcome” of the United Kingdom referendum. “Getting out of Europe is not the answer”.

“We will continue to be very engaged in East Asia as this is the most dynamic economic region in the world, and the United Kingdom has significant security interest at play in this region as well”. This fracture was brought on, according to Blair, by economic turmoil, globalization and anger at immigration.


On Friday, Google (NASDAQ: GOOGL) reported a spike in searches in Britain’s territory about the EU. They have access to the single market while staying out of the EU.

“There will be a lot of storm and turmoil that will go on for weeks maybe months and in the end Britain will stay in the EU,” Stephen Lendman told Press TV on Friday