
Margot Robbie reveals she sleeps next to Harley Quinn’s baseball bat

Suicide Squad (out August 5) takes place in a post-Superman world, following the events of Dawn of Justice, as the government grapples with how to respond the next time an alien visits Earth with less noble intentions than the Man of Steel. Just in case you missed all the memos (so many memos!), Batman v Superman wasn’t exactly a slam dunk for director Zack Snyder and the Warner Bros. team. It is certainly a different look compared to the established tiny shorts and pigtails in the “Suicide Squad” promos. The answer, according to ruthless intelligence officer Amanda Waller (Viola Davis), is to recruit society’s most vile criminals, armed with lethal skills and superhuman powers. Entertainment Weekly recently debuted a gallery of new photos promoting the movie. Now it’s like the hype bus. Entertainment Weekly has released a series of headshots that focuses on each individual member of the group, as well as some mini-bios that reveal new information about the characters. Although her program isn’t green lit initially, a “powerful mystical enemy” presumed to be Cara Delevigne’s Enchantress and soldiers named Eyes of the Adversary pose serious threat to the city.


Even though the actress’ real-life boyfriend of three years is British filmmaker Tom Ackerley, Robbie’s character Harley Quinn is desperately in love with The Joker, played by Jared Leto. We can definitely count on the Joker being as insane and creepy as ever, but this we already knew by the photos.


There’s Margot Robbie and Jared Leto as Harley Quinn and The Joker. Of course, the Squad isn’t going in unsupervised, thanks to Joel Kinnaman’s Rick Flag, Karen Fukuhara’s Katana and “explosive devices” put in the criminals’ necks “courtesy of Wayne Enterprises”.

Image via Clay Enos