
Comey: Hillary Shared Classified Info with People Who Didn’t Have Required Clearance

Mrs Clinton’s use of a private email account and homemade server during her time as secretary of state from 2009 to 2013 has weighed heavily on her bid over the past year to become America’s first female commander-in-chief. “Was that true?” the South Carolina Republican asked at the outset.


“It takes mishandling it and criminal intent”, Mr. Comey said.

Comey said Clinton as the Secretary of State use multiple devices.

Rep. Ken Buck asked Comey about 18 U.S. Code 1924, which deals with the unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material.

He, however, said that Clinton did not give her interview under oath.

Mr Comey, who served as deputy attorney general in the George W Bush administration, was appointed in 2013 to a 10-year term as Federal Bureau of Investigation director by President Barack Obama. Comey responded that it is “fair” that he is implying the word.

The FBI investigation focused on whether or not Clinton broke the law by using a personal email server kept at her home in NY while she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. “Was that true?” Gowdy asked.

“Our folks did it in an apolitical and a professional way”, Mr Comey said of the FBI’s handling of the investigation. Whether they were deleted or whether when the server was changed out something happened to them. “There’s no doubt that the work-related emails that were removed electronically from the email system”, he said.

Representative Will Hurd of Texas, a Republican who served as an officer with the C.I.A., focused on the “top secret” emails on the server, leading Mr. Comey through the significance of “special access programs”. “Did her lawyers read the email content individually?”

The Republicans’ grilling of FBI Director James Comey over his decision to not charge Hillary Clinton with a crime is an act of desperation, former Democratic Congressman Barney Frank said Thursday.


But the window for prosecution slammed shut Wednesday – when Attorney General Loretta Lynch effectively closed the case, in part saying: “no charges [will] be brought against any individuals within the scope of the investigation”.

James Comey