
Mahoning County putting out mosquito traps due to Zika concerns

But the Republican plan would take money from battling the Ebola virus as well as from funds set aside for implementing the Obamacare health insurance program in US territories.


But there was no sign that Republicans would abandon their $1.1 billion measure, raising the chance that Congress will leave the growing health crisis unattended until September. Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich, both D-N.M., wrote in April that “it would be shortsighted and risky for Congress not to act quickly to give the administration the resources it needs to fully fight the Zika virus and protect Americans”. Although no cases of mosquito-transmitted Zika virus have been reported in the continental United States, the number of infections is mounting.

Five months ago, President Barack Obama sought $1.8 billion in emergency funds to stem the spread of the Zika virus, which has been linked to microcephaly, a birth defect in which infants have unusually small heads and damaged brains.

“Apart from using mosquito repellent, athletes will also be provided mosquito nets to avoid mosquito bites”, he said.

Stewart said Democratic objections to the House bill stemmed more from the Planned Parenthood restrictions than the bill’s loosening of restrictions on the Clean Air Act. Only the females of those species bite, which they do when they need to lay eggs because human blood provides a protein source for developing embryos, Rogers said. The delay can be partly attributed to the mildness of Zika infection, which is known to causes rashes, low-grade fever and conjunctivitis for those who show symptoms at all.

Federal health officials are reporting an increase in the number of pregnant women in the USA infected with the Zika virus. “It’s a time to compromise and get something done”.

There have been more than 20 cases of the Zika virus recorded in OH this year, mostly found in people who have traveled internationally.

And even before that, Scott said a meeting – called a table top exercise – with a special focus on scenarios regarding the Zika virus, was in motion.

So far, 28 confirmed cases are exhibiting symptoms in Florida. The connection between Zika and microcephaly first came to light last fall in Brazil, which has now confirmed more than 1,600 cases of microcephaly that it considers to be related to Zika infections in the mothers.

Federal funding needs to focus on the problem at hand and not get bogged down in partisan politics and special interest causes.


Almost two-thirds of the public – 65 percent – supports helping USA women with reproductive health services in areas affected by the virus.

Credit Tom via Flickr