
Attorney General Kane To Soon Face Charges In Ongoing Investigation

There are new reports that Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane is about to be criminally charged.


Court documents released Wednesday show a grand jury has concluded there are reasonable grounds to charge Kane with perjury, false swearing, official oppression and obstruction after an investigation into leaks of secret grand jury material.

Kane is expected to surrender to Montgomery County detectives and her arraignment will be handled by a local district attorney, WPVI TV, the local ABC affiliate, said citing sources.

The case is being closely watched because Ferman is a prominent Republican who is running for judge in November.

Former First Assistant Attorney General Adrian King testified before the grand jury that Kane asked him to deliver a package to her former campaign manager, Josh Morrow, in Philadelphia in April, 2014. The panel, led by Special Prosecutor Thomas Carluccio, brought no charges, but instead forwarded its findings to Ms. Ferman. A Kane spokesman later said it was unfortunate that Mondesire was caught up in the matter. Mondesire was never charged.

The grand jury ended in December.

The grand jury accuses Kane of lying about her release of information from a 2009 grand jury probe to a Philadelphia newspaper, then taking action to cover it up. (Fina now works for District Attorney Seth Williams.).

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If convicted of criminal charges, state law would require Kane to resign.

Kane declined to prosecute the so-called “sting case”, saying it was legally flawed. “I mean, after all, the grand jury had been dissolved for five years”.

“Her response to me was don’t worry about it”, Beemer testified.


According to the grand jury report, which was made public in April, Kane orchestrated an illegal leak to embarrass a critic and later lied about it under oath.

Montco DA To Announce Charges Against Kathleen Kane Report