
‘The Daily Show’ set donated to Newseum

Through its juxtaposition of TV clips and flubs, “The Daily Show” also has mocked television news as much as politicians.


Over the years, one target has taken more sass from Jon Stewart than any other.

And on the poor grunts who toil away thanklessly every Monday through Thursday nights, recapping The Daily Show under ridiculous headlines touting Stewart’s various conquests.

Trump, the billionaire businessman turned Republican Party White House contender, has turn out to be Stewart’s favourite goal as his tenure on the favored Comedy Central program winds down. Fans have been showing up early all week long, hoping to be a part of the final few episodes.

Arby’s, which has been put through the proverbial Stewart meat grinder nearly more than Fox News and CNN over the years, has created two advertisements to air during Thursday’s series finale, special goodbye messages to the outgoing host. If those who have watched the show have seen him walk on water, please let me know. It concludes with the tagline “not sure why, but we’ll miss you“.

That list included Stephen Colbert, Steve Carrell, Olivia Munn and John Oliver.

While it’s clear Stewart is a liberal working in the liberal media, he should be championed for his ability to ask tough and uncomfortable questions and address topics most Americans don’t want to talk about.


What will Jon Stewart be doing now that he’s not host of Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show“? Noah is an eloquent and talented comedian, and whether his comments reflect his true feelings or those of a man attempting to step into Stewart’s shoes, I couldn’t say. “I don’t think that itch will go away”, she said.

Arby’s Ad “Forgives” Jon Stewart on the Eve of ‘Daily Show’ Finale