
Teen Plays Pokémon Go Outside, Finds Dead Body

Shayla Wiggins, a 19-year-old from Riverton, Wyo. recently downloaded the new augmented reality Pokémon game onto her phone and was out trying to catch a Pokémon around a local river.


Pokemon Go, which was released on Wednesday, uses real locations “as inspiration for the fantasy settings in which its games take place”, according to a Pokemon/Nintendo website about the game.

She told County 10 about her disturbing discovery in Riverton, Wyoming.

Today, the augmented reality game has taken a turn for the more macabre, with reports that a teen in the USA state of Wyoming happened upon an actual dead body while out pointing her phone at things.

If you’ve spent even short amount of time online today, you’re no doubt come across an endless stream posts talking about Nintendo’s smash hit mobile game, Pokemon GO.

After jumping a fence and walking along the water, she saw the body. Wiggins was understandably shaken by the incident.

“I was pretty scared and cried for a while”, she said.

“The Fremont County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the death of an adult male who was located in the Big Wind River under the Wyoming Highway 789 Bridge this morning around 8:40AM”.


Right now, the authorities are still trying to identify the body, though they note that “there is no evidence of foul play” as the death “appears to be accidental in nature”.

Pokemon Go player finds body floating in river