
Trump slams Clinton for talking email on Dallas shooting day

Clinton also tweeted her reaction to the shooting, writing she mourns for the officers, their families, and all officers who serve with them.


Trump then mentioned by name two unarmed black men who were shot and killed by white police officers this week, prompting the peaceful rally in Dallas where a sniper opened fire and killed five police officers and wounded several others.

Hillary Clinton tweeted her condolences following the shooting.

Donald Trump responded to the deadly police shootings in Dallas by offering his prayers to the victims and their families and by calling for restored “law and order”.

Trump, who has often been criticized for the divisive rhetoric he employs on the campaign trail said Friday that “our nation has become too divided”.

“There is no possible justification for these kinds of attacks or any violence against law enforcement”, Obama said, just a day after he decried racial disparities in the criminal justice system after police shootings of African-American men in Louisiana and Minnesota.

Newt Gingrich, one of the top contenders to be Trump’s running mate, said black Americans are “more likely to end up in a situation where the police don’t respect you and you could easily get killed”.

“I want white people to understand how African-Americans feel every day, the anxiety and fear, particularly sending off their children”.

Clinton had issued a series of statements in recent days in response to the shootings of Sterling and Castile, suggesting that racism had played a role in their deaths.

“We cannot allow the routine deaths of African Americans to go unaddressed, but sadly, we have seen tragedies like these far too often”, he added.

“When the shooting started and everyone else was fleeing, the police were removing toward danger”, Clinton added.

Even though the event was postponed, a man from Wilkes-Barre spent hours outside the federal courthouse in Scranton protesting the two politicians.

In an interview, Stewart said his Facebook post was “from me. May God protect them and bring peace upon Dallas”, the former Republican presidential hopeful wrote.

Trump hadn’t addressed the civilian shootings until Friday, when he lamented the “senseless, tragic deaths of two motorists in Louisiana and Minnesota”.

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump vowed “strong leadership” Friday to what he called worsening race relations after five police officers were killed in Dallas.

Trump also canceled a planned rally in Miami.


Clinton campaigned with President Barack Obama on Tuesday and her appearance with Biden in Pennsylvania, a general election battleground state, had been aimed at building party unity before the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

Donald Trump  John Sommers II  Getty Images  AFP