
Players in hunt for Pokemon Go monsters feel real-world pain

After an essentially stealth launch Wednesday in North America, the game has shot to the top of the iOS App Store free app sales chart. The app uses the phone’s camera, which displays your environment on the screen.


Nintendo might not have been directly involved in the development of the highly-anticipated, augmented reality title, Pokemon GO, but the veteran gaming firm sure reaped the benefits of the game’s launch. If your phone has a pedometer, which most older models will not, your phone will collaborate between the game’s internal code for tracking distance/time, your Global Positioning System, and the potential pedometer of your phone. However, there is no doubt that all eyes are on Nintendo and developer Niantic Inc. right now.

In the early nineties, due to contractual obligations, Mario Hotel and three Legend of Zelda games were released for the Philips CD-i, that are critically regarded as the worst games of a Nintendo franchise ever. People stayed up all night wandering around in parks trying to catch Pikachu (hard to find Pokemon), Lickitung (funniest Pokemon) and all other cute virtual critters. Other spots, designated as gyms, act as control points where you can battle for dominance against other players.

As someone who’s been playing Pokemon since the beginning, the concept of capturing Pokemon in the wild seemed like something only possible as a Google April Fools prank. No need to weaken the Pokemon, only hit it square with a Pokeball.

Where can I download Pokemon Go?

And just like the original Gameboy games, there’s no definitive way to “win” Pokemon Go. Joining a team allows the Trainer to choose to assign his Pokemons to any Gym location or to Gyms where a team member has assigned a Pokemon. It’s a new concept for the franchise in general and one that will be interesting to see develop, however having battling resigned to designated locations is a bit of a downer.

“Surprisingly, I finished the “Pokemon GO” beta with roughly 60 unique “Pokemon” in my collection”, he added.

If you come across a Gym that is already controlled, you must defeat the reigning champion to claim it for your own.

Hatching a Cubone from an egg in Pokemon GO.

However, it’s not all doom and Gloom (get it?), as catching Pokemon is wildly addictive.

Saying that the school was aware its campus had “been invaded by Pokemon” – a friendly invasion – AT Still University’s message said: “Please approach them with caution and do not forget to look up from your phone to avoid tripping or running into something”.


What makes the feat even more impressive is that Pokemon GO has not been without its share of problems. Once you’re at the PokeStop, spin the image with the touchpad. The game is also equipped with “XBOX Live” type communication. This is a title that could easily die out should the act of just catching Pokemon grow stale. Interacting with these will give you more items to help you on your journey to become the very best, including Pokeballs and rare sweets. By using these tips & cheats you won’t have use pokemon go hack tools and risk your account. “It doesn’t count as walking if you’re going more than 20 miles per hour, so that’s good, I guess”, Plunkett says.

Pokèmon Go: Apparently you can't catch them all here yet in PH