
Authorities: 911 caller ambushed, shot officer in Georgia

The officer is white and the race of the shooter was said to be Asian, according to ABC News.


The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is looking into the shooting.

“The individual was unknown to Officer Hancock at the time of the encounter and it was later determined the individual was Beck, the 911 caller”, the bureau said in a news release. When the investigation is complete, it will be turned over to the District Attorney’s Office for review, GBI officials said.

Although both men sustained injuries in the gunfire that was exchanged, both are expected to survive.

The officer was responding to a call about a auto break-in at around 8:00 a.m. when he reported he had been ambushed with gunfire immediately upon arrival, ABC news reported via the Associated Press.

Hancock was taken to South Georgia Medical Center and underwent surgery.

There were multiple officers from various law enforcement agencies swarming the apartment complex.

J.C. Cunningham, who owns a Valdosta painting business, said he hired Beck for several months while he was in treatment.

A 22-year-old man is in serious condition after firing at Valdosta, Georgia police in an ambush early morning Friday.

According to Childress, GBI is still investigating.

A day after five officers were shot and killed in Dallas, two have been shot in separate states.

“I’m relieved that my officer is fine”, he said.

Childress did say that he was anxious after he received the call about today’s shooting incident considering what occurred in Dallas. The Dallas officers were shot during a protest over the recent killings of black men by police in Minnesota and Louisiana.

No other details have been made available.

Childress declined to comment on any possible motive when asked about his officer being shot so soon after the Dallas attacks.

Before Beck moved into his current apartment, he had been roommates with Jason Sobczak in Valdosta.

The status of the officer and suspect are not available at this time.

The call came in just before 8 the Three Oaks Apartments in Valdosta.


Authorities are not letting anyone but residents in to or out of the apartment complex at this time and are checking for proof of residency upon entrance and exit.

City officials confirmed that the shooting at a Valdosta apartment complex is officer involved