
Democrats schedule six primary debates starting in October

Besides the Democratic Hall of Fame Dinner in Cedar Rapids in the middle of July, the Democratic Candidates won’t appear on the same stage in Iowa before the caucuses except for one tentatively scheduled debate towards the end of the year. “The campaign for presidency should be about giving voters an opportunity to hear from every candidate and decide on the issues, not stacking the deck in favor of a chosen candidate”.


With exclusively 5 declared contenders for the Democratic nomination, that is unlikely to be a problem for the Democratic debates, although it is probably debate sponsors will nonetheless arrange some type of qualification metrics the candidates should fulfill to land themselves onstage. The first debate will be on October. 13 in Nevada.

“If anything, it seems geared toward limiting debate and facilitating a coronation, not promoting a robust debate and primary process”, he said.

The first to formally announce her candidacy was former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, 67, the party’s undeniable frontrunner, on April 12. Sen.

While Republicans are hosting their first debate in the important general election swing state of Ohio, the Democrats are headed to the early primary states.

Vice President Joe Biden’s chief of staff has also been included on communications from the DNC about debate planning, but the Biden team has yet to chime in as the might-be candidate weighs his options.

CNN did not say which candidates would participate.

The party has not yet announced the qualification criteria for selection and inclusion of participants in those debates. Bernie Sanders, former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley, former Virginia senator Jim Webb and former Rhode Island governor Lincoln Chafee. For O’Malley and Sanders, both of whom lag behind Clinton in fundraising and organization, debates offer an opportunity to get national attention. Some activists and DNC members had anxious about the late start.


Republicans are holding nine debates beginning on Thursday and stretching into March. The Republican National Committee has left open the possibility of three more after that.
