
Speculation continues that Gov. Pence could be Donald Trump’s VP pick

Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., announced Wednesday he was no longer in the running to be presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump’s vice president.


Corker had been an advocate for Trump, lending his expertise of foreign policy as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, all while he was hammered by his likely opponent, Democrat Hillary Clinton, as unprepared to be commander-in-chief.

In an interview with Politico, Ernst said she told Trump she supports his run for the presidency but is focused on Iowa.

NBC News reported on Tuesday that Corker had submitted official papers to Donald Trump’s head of the vetting process, AB Culvahouse, who had worked in the Reagan administration.

However, Ernst did name someone that she thought would be a good VP candidate for Trump: Indiana Gov. Mike Pence.

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), a rising GOP star and another possible running mate who met with Trump earlier this week, also indicated Wednesday that she is not interested in the position.

“I like the generals; I like the concept of the generals”, Trump said, “[But] we’re looking to go more the political route in terms of getting legislation passed”.

Corker broadly praised Trump’s foreign policy speech in April, breaking from many Republican colleagues in Congress who have been in duck-and-cover mode when asked about Trump.

“It probably doesn’t hurt to have somebody from your wing of the party being considered”, Wright said. “I wouldn’t be the person I am today, I wouldn’t be a high-level executive within his organization, if he felt that way”.

Donald Trump doubled down on his controversial comments on Saddam Hussein last night, hours after two high-profile Republicans withdrew from vice presidential consideration yesterday.

Trump called Corker “a great friend” but didn’t hint at whether he’s prepared to make him his partner in the campaign. “I think I’m far more suited for other types of things”.

He also declined to comment on whether the RGA and Pence’s campaign had discussed the scenario and said he wasn’t anxious about a potential change in candidate. “Manafort is doing a yeoman job in trying to get him to pay attention, but nobody I think can calm him down”.

Corker says he was impressed with how well Trump treats his family and longtime employees. This is after spending with weekend in New Jersey meeting with Trump.

“So, I’m going to move on”, he told the Post.


“It was a great meeting”, Ernst said, “and I enjoyed the opportunity to sit down with him and talk more about what’s important to us”.

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