
Obama to Democrats: Watch the GOP debate

The party’s popularity has dipped, largely because Republican voters are souring on it. Their lack of confidence in their party surely has something to do with Donald Trump’s rise in the polls. Officials say Kabourek was selected out of around 30 candidates and comes to the position with extensive fundraising and field operations experience – something Democrats desperately need going into a 2016 presidential election cycle. I’m gonna bet that they’ll all promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act.


The Daily Beast reports that sources tell it the Democratic National Committee (DNC) will announce its debate schedule this week.

But these choices also had potential disadvantages.

The question is over whether candidates support “common core” – or education standards imposed centrally by the federal government which hardcore conservatives say is an egregious example of big-government overreach and tramples on precious “states’ rights”.

Over the past two years, suggests one reporter, Mr Grayson has been “subtly trying to clean himself up for a state-wide race… staking out policy positions closer to the political centre that most Floridians occupy”.

Also expect former and acting state governors like Jeb Bush, Rick Perry, Scott Walker and John Kasich to run hard on their records of job creation while skating over inconvenient pension black holes and budget deficits. That way Republicans look unproductive, and fail by the terms they themselves established.

These potential drawbacks to the strategy have largely materialized.

Voters here deserve as many opportunities as possible to meet with the candidates who aspire to be their president. They have also seen them fret for months about the possibility that the Supreme Court would force them to do something about Obamacare, something Republican voters actually want, and then breathe sighs of relief that it didn’t.

“But here’s the thing, Daniel: While these Republicans may have bad ideas, they’re still smart politicians”. Mr Grayson’s fate will be determined by whether Democrats vote with their head or their hearts.

The event will allow Obama to draw a sharp contrast with Republicans, many of whom argue some provisions of the 1965 law went too far.


And maybe the party’s own voters wouldn’t be quite so heartily sick of them.

Image Credit Twitter  CNN