
Kristen Bell blasts Trump over ‘Frozen’ tweet

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump dragged “Frozen” into the debate over his controversial Star of David tweet about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.


The actresses fans were quick to rally behind her, defending “Frozen” and calling for a response from Trump on the Alton Sterling and Philando Castile shootings.

On Wednesday (06Jul16) Trump made light of the furore tweeting a picture of the cover of a Frozen book tie-in which features a star.

The image featuring a star originated on a racist, anti-Semitic message board popular with “neo-Nazis, anti-Semites and white supremacists” that was later posted on Twitter by a racist user.

Hillary Clinton responded to Trump’s Frozen tweet with this zinger: “Do you want to build a strawman?”.

The former House speaker, who is one of the top candidates to be Trump’s vice presidential nominee on the Republican ticket, said in a phone interview with CNN Thursday that he was “very angry” about what he considered to be “the media’s deliberate distortion”. It’s absurdity. He has got a son-in-law who’s an Orthodox Jew, his daughter has converted to Judaism, grandchildren who are Jewish. So here are the funniest tweets about Donald Trump this week, from some of the sharpest comedians on Twitter.

“I’ve never seen anything so disgusting in your life”, he told radio host John Fredericks, later adding that when “the left” tries to “throw out the “racism card” or the “anti-Semite card” it does “a major disservice to the people who are actually afflicted by that plight”. A Star of David, or what looked like it, was also prominently displayed in the photo.

He also didn’t respond to Kristen Bell.


The Trump campaign removed the tweet and replaced it with one in the star was swapped out for a circle. They’re racially profiling. Not us.

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