
Trump draws criticism from usual GOP backer

Indeed, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce – a pro-business organization that nearly always backs the GOP – publicly rebuked his position on Tuesday. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) during the primaries, Ms. Clinton swung against the TPP, a trade agreement she helped strike.


Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump gestures while delivering a speech at the Alumisourse Building in Monessen, Pennsylvania, US, June 28, 2016. Trump will visit OH later in the day.

In speeches on Tuesday, Mr Trump called for renegotiating or scrapping Nafta, the North American Free Trade Agreement, calling it a job killer.

Politicians who backed these deals “watched on the sidelines as our jobs vanished and our communities were plunged into Depression-level unemployment”, Trump said.

But what the crowd really liked was Trump’s absolute disdain for progressives and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

While there have been signs that Trump may change his stance – perhaps restricting migration only from countries with a known history of terrorism – aides said his views are consistent.

Those numbers, consistent with other surveys, suggest the Trump should steer the debate away from matters Clinton retains strength with, like diplomacy, and toward the economy and the issue that continues to be Clinton’s biggest vulnerability – her honesty (or lack, thereof).

TRUMP: Why are people upset that with free trade, that I like, that I want to make better deals?

He polls best in China, where there is a split between 40 percent who have no confidence in Trump and 39 percent who do not offer an opinion.

Trump’s position on trade isn’t just a talking point – it’s central to even his warm-up acts at campaign rallies, which veer harder than even Trump himself toward nationalism. About a dozen protesters were ushered out by Trump’s security and Bangor police after they attempted to disrupt the event.

“The most impactful of the economic policies that I recall him coming out for are these anti-trade policies”, Singer said during a panel discussion at the Aspen Ideas Festival in Colorado, according to CNBC. “China, and many others, are taking advantage of USA with our awful trade pacts”. Northern Maine has seen job losses in manufacturing, creating potentially friendly territory for Trump. But as a businessman who has built many skyscrapers, Trump hasn’t always done that.

“Employment in the sector has declined as automation, robotics, information technologies, and highly sophisticated capital goods have allowed factories to produce more with fewer workers”, the chamber said.

‘I think we’ve all become aware of the fact that our cultures and economics are intertwined. “And free trade is killing us”, he said. He said that China would enter the TPP through a “backdoor” later on, and that if elected he would withdraw the US from the TPP given the deal has not yet been ratified.

Donald Trump made what was probably his most specific speech this week and the focus was on the economy and trade.


The New York tycoon lamented that the USA is prevented from waterboarding but “they [Islamic State] can do chopping off heads, drowning people in steel cages, they can do whatever they want to do”.

Pew Research Center