
Philando Castile: Prosecutor Calls for Investigation

It might have remained just that, with Sterling’s name added to a sorrowful litany alongside Michael Brown and Eric Garner and Freddie Gray.


He declined, however, to provide further details about the incident, including what led to the deadly traffic stop.

Castile’s fiancée live-streamed the immediate aftermath of the shooting, showing Castile slumped against the driver’s seat, with blood soaking through his shirt. She told the newspaper they excelled in the classroom, went to all extracurricular training, and were sought out by professors for leadership opportunities.

“This week we watched Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, two innocent black men, get senselessly murdered by police officers”.

Don Nihart, the current head wrestling coach at South St. Paul High School, said he knew Yanez only briefly but said he knows his father, Jesus Yanez, well from the man’s longtime work helping students learn English in the South St. Paul school district.

The prosecutor said the shooting highlighted the need for better interactions between police and black residents.

At the Justice Department, Attorney General Loretta Lynch called it “a week of profound grief and heartbreaking loss”.

However, I believe some people now believe it’s acceptable to create big problems rather than solve them. “And that hurts. And that should trouble all of us”.

“When incidents like this occur, there’s a big chunk of our fellow citizenry that feels as if it’s because of the color of their skin, they are not being treated the same”, Obama said several hours before the Dallas shootings.

“Mr. Phil that’s how we’d refer to him at our household just out of respect”, said Charles Rafowicz, who has had two children attend the Montessori Elementary. “Does he, you know, just ask me what kind of gun it is and where it’s at?” “There are many things that have to be done to rectify this situation that has plagued us for hundreds of year, and UNIFICATION is the first step”, The Game wrote in an Instagram post.

At Bible Way Temple in Raleigh, North Carolina, Darnell Dixon Sr., the chief pastor, wondered why more positive change hasn’t come. “But yesterday set me back”. Paul, police officer out of Florida:”It doesn’t affect my day to day”.

I find it fantastic when someone says no one should be killed over a broken tail light or he was only selling CD’s. He was killed by a robot-delivered bomb after a standoff with police.

The U.S. Justice Department has opened a civil rights investigation into the shooting.

Black lives matter. White lives matter.

If the gravity of it all seems clear, the road from here does not.

Then, too, imagine being a young black man who is taught early on that he has to be extra careful around the police. Fletcher, police officer out of Ohio:”What happened in Dallas was a nightmare”. Is this a turning point or simply a continuation? A retired New York City police detective wept as he spoke to CNN’s Chris Cuomo about the bravery of the Dallas officers who, carrying only pistols, were wearing protective vests they knew couldn’t deflect the bullets of the shooter’s weapon.

“The suspect said he was upset about the recent police shootings”. The officers had been patrolling the non-violent demonstration before five were killed and seven more were wounded.

The state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension is investigating the shooting.

Late on Thursday night, authorities said Castile, a 32-year-old cafeteria supervisor at a St Paul school, had been killed by multiple gunshot wounds, and the medical examiner ruled his death a homicide.

Two blocks from the shooting site, in Dallas’ historic West End district, Joe Groves owns Ellen’s Southern Kitchen & Bar, where dinner was underway when the gunfire sounded. It questioned the credibility of those who incriminated the officer.


The perception of an armed black person has not changed much since the days of slave rebellions, said the Rev. Kenn Blanchard, a former firearms instructor who runs They say they take the carry permit as a sign of good character because the holder has passed background checks, but each case is unique.

St. Paul Minn. where protests continue over the shooting death by police of Philando Castile after a traffic stop Wednesday July 6 in Falcon Heights. (AP