
Thousands protest sexual assault at Spain’s bull-run festival

A hospital official says five people were gored by fighting bulls in a hair-raising second running of the bulls at Pamplona’s San Fermin festival.


The incident occurred at about 1am this morning during late-night festivities in the small village of Pedreguera. He was taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital and pronounced dead an hour later.

The daily bull run starts at 8 a.m. (0600 GMT) and usually lasts between three and five minutes.

Among others gored were a 58-year-old Spaniard and a 73-year-old South African were listed in a serious condition, and 26-year-old Indian, whose condition was described as less serious.

Red Cross’ staff evacuate on an American bull runner during at San Fermines festival in Pamplona on Friday.

Friday’s run was particularly unsafe as the bulls came from the breeder known for raising the animals that have injured the most runners at the Sanfermines _ an ancient feast in honor of Pamplona’s patron saint, St. Fermin.

Amid the chaos, the rampaging bulls reportedly charged at individual runners.

FOUR people have been injured as more than 1,000 thrill seekers tested their agility and courage by racing alongside fighting bulls through the streets of Pamplona in the first run of this year’s San Fermin festival. Once the bull gained steam again, he was harassed by runners on his way to the bull ring.

According to Spanish news station Antena 3, two people were gored by a bull in Pamplona during the festivities there, which takes to 14 the number of those at the Navarra hospital complex in the province receiving treatment for their injuries, while 85 people have required medical help in total.

Falls were frequent and hair-raisingly unsafe Saturday among participants, who packed the narrow streets. The nine-day world famous fiesta attracts thousands of foreign tourists every year.

In all, 15 people have died from gorings in the festival since record-keeping began in 1924.


Spanish bullfighter Miguel Abellan performs with a Fuente Ymbro ranch fighting bull during a bullfight of the 2016 San Fermin fiestas in Pamplona, Spain, Thursday, July 7, 2016.

Five people gored at Pamplona bull running festival