
Demonstrators rally at Baton Rouge police HQ

“It’s the spirit of Phoenix”. On Wednesday, Moore confirmed that both officers said that they felt their actions were justified just after the shooting. Officers crouched beside vehicles, armored SWAT team vehicles arrived and a helicopter hovered overhead.


People have been dropping off food and water for those camped out on chairs and blankets in Civic Center Park. But Montgomery said he also doesn’t want anyone to get hurt in the protests.

“There is so much resentment in this country because we dropped the ball”, Fields said. The march appeared peaceful.

What are your thoughts on the Kardashian family’s appeal to fans on the Dallas shootings and Black Lives Matter? There have been mostly peaceful demonstrations in Chicago, where three were arrested Saturday. “They’re symptomatic of a broader set of racial disparities that exist in our criminal justice system”, said the USA president in the early hours of Friday before the Dallas attack.

Police reportedly shot Sterling, 37, multiple times in the chest and back when they responded to a 911 call of a man threatening people with a gun.

One police officer in riot gear, who would not provide his name, pinned the fault of the confrontation on the media for supposedly “poking the bull”.

Tempers flared on Friday night in Baton Rouge when hundreds of demonstrators gathered in front of the Baton Rouge Police Department, demonstrating against the shooting. He says given the position Sterling was in, officers could not have reasonably believed that he posed a threat to them.

Religious leaders gathered at an interfaith service in Boston to pray for an end to the racially tinged violence racking the nation. “My heart skipped a beat”, she said, “when I realized I was having a son”. “Tired of praying over dead bodies, the young dead”. Kardashian sought reforms in the judicial system so that police excesses are not overlooked. McMillon said she didn’t know Sterling to carry a gun and doesn’t believe he had one with him that night. “They weren’t on the street or anything”, Bowers said. “The police who say they are good and they are not speaking up” against the officers who violate the rights of blacks.

The tumult over police killings reached well beyond Louisiana.

“The police in Baton Rouge have been truly terrible tonight”, Mckesson said on the video.

Police were present. Several police cruisers were in the area, and police officers were stationed on the roofs of nearby businesses.

Hundreds of people are marching in New York City to protest police shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota.

The protesters gathered in Manhattan’s Union Square Friday night for speeches before splitting into small groups escorted by police.

Jade Flint was one of the protesters out on the street late Saturday.

Following the dispersement of the crowd, a group of protestors including DeRay began to walk away from the scene, walking down a road, they say, had no sidewalk.

Obama also cautions that if protesters paint police with a broad brush, they could lose allies for their cause. “They can’t stop us all night!”

The demonstrators, ranging from young children to seniors who recalled marches by civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., held signs and chanted.

McMillon told The Associated Press on Friday that she is grieving with the families of five police officers who were killed by a Dallas sniper during a march to protest Sterling’s death.

Salt Lake County Sheriff Jim Winder said that happened in Dallas was “a classic ambush”.

About 50 uniformed police officers watched the protest, the newspaper reported. She called the federal investigation a “very positive step”.

Howard University student George Wyche, who is from Houston, said he was worn out emotionally from the racially tinged violence of this week.

KTRK says one of the unidentified officers is a 10-year veteran of the force, and the other is a 13-year veteran.

“I want my children to grow up knowing that their lives matter”.


Large crowds of people marched through busy streets in the central part of the city as drivers honked their horns and passers-by pumped their fists.

The Latest: Mother of Sterling's son disputes he had a gun