
Pokémon GO Server Issues Hamper Successful Launch

Since the release of Pokemon Go, Nintendo’s stock has increase nearly 9% (8.8%). To install the malicious version of the game, users are required to “side-load” the application, which effectively disables security settings that prevent loading apps that haven’t been officially verified.


Nintendo is due to release its latest console next Spring.

Nintendo still has a couple of mobile games in the pipeline, specifically one from the Fire Emblem franchise and the Animal Crossing series.

Pokemon Go allows players to capture, battle, train, and trade virtual Pokemon who appear throughout the real world.

That means that to find Pokemon, you actually have to leave your home.

Pokémon Go was initially released in apps stores in Australia and New Zealand on July 4 and was followed by a U.S. release two days later. “Wanna go catch some Pokemon?'”, he said. “The amount of times my friends have been walking in the road while playing, it’s getting out of hand”.

Server issues and other freakish news such as users finding dead bodies and malicious copies of the APK aside, the sense of community around the game is becoming incredible as people begin organising meet-ups, and socialise with new people.

Meanwhile four teenagers have been accused of using the game to lure victims to certain locations to rob them.

Pokemon Go was developed by Niantic Inc., a former Google startup behind the popular +Ingress game, which also involves location-based gameplay. The smartphone game was released earlier this month.

Muggings at popular pokestops have also been reported, but despite rumours of this practice reaching Auckland over the weekend, NZ Police said they had no record of any such incident on Monday morning. According to ur_0’s Reddit thread, players only received a “soft ban” that denies violators of game access for a few hours.


Proofpoint suggests that users test the SHA256 hash (effectively a file ID number) and take a look at the app’s Android permissions to determine if the APK they’ve used is indeed safe.

The Pokemon Go Team Has Finally Responded To The Server Issues