
Ryan Asks Feds to Not Brief Clinton on Classified Info

“I don’t want to answer a hypothetical”, Comey answered coolly, “The FBI has a robust process in which we adjudicate the suitability of people for employment in the bureau”.


President Obama indirectly excused Hillary Clinton’s careless handling of classified material Saturday by saying the State Department is overwhelmed daily by a “massive influx of information” due to improvements in technology.

“I think he’s clarified it. The State Department has clarified it”, Clinton said. “And as a outcome, I think it’s inappropriate for me to second-guess or comment extensively on the conclusion that they arrived at”.

“No, there was classified material emailed”, Comey responded.

“There is simply no excuse for Hillary Clinton’s decision to set up a home-cooked email system which left sensitive and classified national security information vulnerable to theft and exploitation by America’s enemies”, the letter said.

The FBI investigation focused on whether or not Clinton broke the law by using a personal email server kept at her home in NY while she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013.

He said three of the emails in question bore classification markings in the body despite Clinton’s assertions that nothing she had sent or received was marked classified.

In contrast, Petraeus pleaded guilty previous year to knowingly sharing binders of classified information with his biographer, a woman with whom he was having a sexual relationship.

The Hillary Clinton email scandal is far from over. “I am certainly relieved and glad that the investigation has concluded but I also know how important it is to make sure everybody understands that I would certainly not do that again”, Clinton said in an interview with CNN on Friday.

Comey: She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of state.

The FBI director also challenged the truthfulness of Clinton’s previous testimony on the matter in front of the committee that included Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) who just wrapped up a lengthy investigation into the Benghazi attacks.

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz on Thursday said he believed that there was a legitimate concern of a double standard, with Clinton being treated differently by the US Department of Justice than regular citizens, EFE news reported.

“Clearly intentional conduct. Knew what he was doing was violation of the law”, Comey said.

John Kirby said the e-mails were “call sheets”, routine briefing documents that provide a secretary of state with succinct information before a planned phone call to a foreign leader.


Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan wrote to James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, requesting he deny Ms Clinton access to classified information for the duration of the 2016 campaign.

FBI Director James Comey testifies Thursday during a hearing before the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform