
Elon Musk to deliver Tesla’s ‘Top Secret Masterplan’ later this week

In 2015, Tesla sold 1,582 Model S cars in Germany, Europe’s largest auto market.


Others, meanwhile, are speculating that part two of Musk’s Masterplan could involve the unveiling of a “Tesla Mobility” service, with an Uber-like car-sharing platform combining autonomous driving technology.

In 2006 Musk revealed a similarly cryptic message on a blog which eventually led to the publication of plans for the Tesla roadster, the Model S sedan and the Model 3 sedan.

Redirecting some speculation away from the autonomous safety debate, Musk’s comments highlight the company’s first master plan that will finally be complete when the Model 3 arrives on the market.

The tweet comes amid investigations into two crashes of Tesla cars and ongoing questions related to Musk’s plan to acquire solar panel company SolarCity (SCTY). He said he hoped to publish details this week. Federal officials are investigating a 7 May crash in Florida that killed a man after his Model S’s cameras failed to detect a turning tractor-trailer and did not automatically activate the brakes. While Tesla gained European approval of the autopilot system in the Netherlands, the company really needs to get approval from the KBA because Germany is Europe’s biggest vehicle market.

Tesla requires drivers to remain engaged and aware when Autosteer is enabled and drivers must keep their hands on the steering wheel.

Musk has been a master at teasing big product announcements, building up media hype – and Tesla’s stock price.

Given this as context, it may be worthwhile to be more than a little skeptical of any so-called “Masterplan” from Tesla Motors Inc right now. It also offered a stark reminder that there is a lot of uncertainty and room for improvement with the autopilot or self-driving technology that has been included in approximately 70,000 Tesla autos and is being used by Google in 24 Lexus SUVs and 34 other vehicles.

“The report is incorrect”, a ministry spokesman said.

The driver couldn’t get a signal for his cellphone at the crash site and couldn’t reach Tesla right after the accident, according to his friend on TMC.

The new Tesla cars, including the one in the crash, are the most advanced rolling computers disguised as cars on the road today.

Either way, we will know soon.


As of Friday afternoon, Consumer Watchdog said Tesla has not responded to its request to disable the autopilot feature in vehicles.

The executive who MBAs most admire