
Shootings Spark Protests in Louisiana,

DeRay Mckesson, one of the most prominent activists associated with the police reform protest movement, was arrested in Baton Rouge, where he travelled earlier Saturday to demonstrate in solidarity with residents angered by the recent death of Alton Sterling after an officer-involved shooting that was captured on video. McKesson says a few times that there is no sidewalk that protesters could have been marching on instead.


“I’m under arrest y’all”, he said, before another individual took his phone and continued streaming the video.

Black Lives Matter activist DeRay McKesson travelled to Baton Rouge for the protest, and was walking on the side of a road livestreaming the demonstration on Periscope.

Activist Brittany Packett, who was with Mckesson, wrote in an email that he was on the shoulder when “multiple police crossed onto the shoulder, tackling Deray [sic] and arresting him”.

McKesson called a close friend in Baltimore around 5:30 a.m. and told her he was in OK physical condition but did not know when he would be released, the friend told The Post.

One of the men killed by a white police officer was Alton Sterling, killed in Baton Rouge, in the southern state of Louisiana, where protests are intensifying.

A police spokesman said two firearms were confiscated and several arrests made.

Police say nine people were arrested after demonstrators took to the streets of Atlanta for a second night to protest police shootings of African-Americans. Security levels were raised at the police headquarters after anonymous threats were received but an all clear was given after a search of a vehicle park for a “suspicious person”. “They’re scared too. Of course you got your bad apples but all police aren’t bad”.

Mckesson is an outspoken leader who regularly advocates and protests against police brutality.

More than 100 people have been arrested in the American city of St Paul, Minnesota, as protests over the shooting of Philando Castile by a police officer turned violent. You’re under arrest. Don’t fight me.

Demonstrators gathered at the convenience store where Sterling was shot before making their way to the Baton Rouge police department and the state Capitol.

Still, he is arrested: “City police”.

Police in riot gear came out numerous times as the demonstration wore on into the evening, facing off against the crowd that yelled slogans and waved signs.

During the live feed, demonstrators are chanting, “No Justice, No Peace, No Racist Police”. One officer was injured while trying to stop the people from entering the freeway.

The White House is releasing more details about President Barack Obama’s planned visit to Dallas on Tuesday, saying the president will meet privately with relatives of police officers killed in Thursday’s attack. Police said early on Sunday they had begun clearing the highway of debris in preparation for re-opening it.


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Several hundred people, some of whom were affiliated with Black Lives Matter, broke off from the city’s 200th anniversary parade to march from Point State Park to the county courthouse.

Alton Sterling shooting We don t want this to get lost