
John Oliver responds to mean and hilarious internet comments

Last Week Tonight is now taking a break from its regularly scheduled Sunday evening slot, so in the meantime Oliver has recorded a series of shorter, web exclusive episodes. But because he’s not now “fighting in the Revolutionary War”, by fan mail of course he actually means YouTube comments.


John Oliver knows this all too well.

The comments run the gamut from wildly flattering – “John Oliver has magnificent eyebrows” – to mildly off-putting and even othering – “John Olivers [sic] eyebrows are alien caterpillars and move independently of each other”.

“Many people who have tried to insult me on YouTube have badly missed the mark”, Oliver admitted, before revealing a handful of lame commentary that he skewered with precision. “John Olivers eyebrows are magnificent”, said another.

“This made me a little mad because there is already a cross between a Pokemon and a child molester and it’s called Gengar”.

Things started heating up when one commenter said Oliver “looks like a mix of a Pokémon and a child molester”.

But alas, we do not get to watch John Oliver apply make-up for five minutes (though he should seriously consider that for next week).

This comment wasn’t the one that got to Oliver the most.

John Oliver has applied his unique brand of witty humor to an area most fear to tread: the YouTube comment section.


With such a strong digital presence – the Last Week Tonight channel on YouTube boasts 3.6 million subscribers – Oliver had lots of commentary to choose from.

John Oliver shows everyone how to deal with YouTube comment trolls