
Black Lives Matter Leader DeRay McKesson Released After Spending Birthday In Jail

The most recent shooting deaths by police come after several years of contentious killings by law enforcement officers, including that of Michael Brown, a teenager whose death in the summer of 2014 caused riots and weeks of protests in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson.


Local media said some 30 people where arrested in the Baton Rouge protests.

A recording of the segment shows Slaughter was videoing police officers standing across from protestors along Airline Highway. The St. Paul Police Department reported that some demonstrators dropped liquid and rocks on officers from a pedestrian bridge, while others set off fireworks, injuring several police.

In his Periscope video from the scene, Mckesson is seen walking with protesters on a busy street with no sidewalk. In Baton Rouge, demonstrators chanted and carried signs that read “I can’t keep calm I have a black son” and “am I next?”

President Barack Obama on Sunday warned violence against police could harm the Black Lives Matter movement and its calls for fairness in the criminal justice system, just days after five police officers were killed by a sniper in Dallas.

Hundreds of people are gathered at a Baton Rouge convenience store for another day of protest at the site where a black man, Alton Sterling, died at the hands of two white police officers.

Mckesson remained in custody as of Sunday morning, according to the East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office website, but it remains unclear why he was arrested and if he faces any charges.

Hundreds of protesters marched from City Hall to Union Square in NY. And I just thought it seemed like this was a good place to get in position and make an image, just because she was there in her dress and you have two police officers in full riot gear.

Some 300 people attended a peaceful protest on Sunday afternoon at the St. Anthony Police Department.

Sterling’s family confirmed that he had a prior history with police including felony arrests. The crowd swelled to around a thousand people, closing down Fifth Avenue. They sought to shut down police activity and traffic in the precincts as part of what they proclaimed a “weekend of rage”. Some were affiliated with Black Lives Matter.

A police spokesman said two firearms were confiscated and several arrests made.

They marched from Point State Park on Saturday afternoon to the county courthouse.

“I think the bonds she is setting are fair”, DA Moore, said.


The secondary protest started at roughly 6 p.m. and continued until roughly 8:30 p.m. Police blocked the entrance ramps to I-110 North and South near Government Street and people were asked to avoid the area.

Protest in St. Paul July 9