
Snoop Dogg missed a weed question on ‘Family Feud’

“Name something grandma would do if she caught grandpa smoking weed”.


Snoop was quick to the buzzer, but his answer (that Grandma would hit Grandpa) wasn’t as high on the board as Sugar Ray’s, who took first crack at the board.

Snoop’s loss was surprising given the rapper’s affinity for high-grade marijuana. “Cancer and diseases that never had a cure, now all of a sudden you got people taking chemotherapy, and they’re also having a toke, and they live longer”.

Even the show’s host, Steve Harvey, looked surprised during Snoop Dogg‘s Family Feud fail moment, given Snoop’s notorious expertise in the area.

Were you surprised by Snoop Dogg’s Family Feud fail? To be fair, sky and face are the two answers that come to mind. What would you have guessed given that marijuana-related question?

Despite the slip up on that question, Snoop and his team managed to make it all the way to the fast money round.

Um, what? Maybe he was just a little too out of it. Unfortunately for Ray, his family wasn’t able to knock out the rest of the answers so Snoop got a chance to redeem himself.


It was the “Celebrity Family Feud” question that Snoop Dogg should have aced.

WATCH Snoop Dogg Fails Weed Question on ‘Celebrity Family Feud’				Screenshot  ABC			by Jerome Hudson11 Jul 20160		11 Jul 2016		11 Jul 2016