
Petraeus case worse than Clinton’s emails — FBI Director Comey

Americans have not heard the last of Hillary Clinton’s emails.


Today we’ll discover how our Time Machine can clarify our view of what matters most in FBI Director James Comey’s unprecedentedly transparent announcement of his agents’ findings in an exhaustive investigation of Hillary Clinton’s reliance on her own poorly secured, private email server to conduct her business as secretary of state.

When asked if there was a transcript of the interview, Comey stated that there wasn’t one because the interview wasn’t recorded, but there was an analysis of Clinton’s interview.

“To the FBI?” Comey asked in response. Would they have had any reason to allegedly obstruct justice in this way if these emails hadn’t been damning for Clinton? “They weren’t looking at it”. Until then, she and her legion of aides/accomplices should be denied security clearance in any and all circumstances. Clinton was secretary of the state at the time of the attacks. More than 100 emails classified at the time sent and received, and another 2,000 later determined to contain classified information, sounds “vast”.

“That’s not true”, Comey replied. He continued: “There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation”. “They were not careless and the material that they sent, they did not believe that was classified”. In fact, the FBI Director made it clear that two things saved Clinton from criminal prosecution: (1) concern at the Department of Justice (DOJ) that a relevant portion of the Espionage Act is unconstitutional; and (2) an extremely generous determination by the FBI that Clinton lacked the sophistication to understand the classification system. We can split hairs all we want, but there is little, if any, difference, factually or legally, between gross negligence and extreme carelessness.

Comey: “She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of state”. There is the criminal justice system for the rest of us, and there is the “Clinton” justice system for these two legal buccaneers.

The FBI also tracked down emails Clinton’s team did not turn over.

“There is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information”, Comey said, but he astonishingly opined that no “reasonable prosecutor” would bring charges. He says there was no evidence that she knew that anything she was doing was against the law or had lied to federal investigators.

The Clinton campaign argued after the hearing that it had been a mistake for Republicans to put Comey, a former prosecutor who served in President George W. Bush’s Republican administration, on the spot. She is expected to be formally nominated as the Democratic presidential nominee later this month.

“In their eyes, you had one job – and one job only – to prosecute Hillary Clinton”, the Committee’s ranking Democrat, Rep. Elijah Cummings, told Comey. “But you refused, so now you are being summoned here to answer for your alleged transgressions”.

Clinton was also in Washington Thursday, huddling with senior advisers at her home just off Embassy Row.

Let’s leave the cheerleading to her campaign staffers, though. House Speaker Paul Ryan, a leader with clap-on-clap-off principles, has shamed himself by leading the Grand Old Lynch Mob.

“We know the Federal Bureau of Investigation refused to hold Lying Crooked Hillary accountable”.

We didn’t start the fire.

After Flake confronted him about his McCain comment, Trump threatened to attack Flake publicly and said Flake would lose his reelection bid.


Would Americans trust her as their president?

Cornyn, Gardner introduce bill to revoke Clinton's security clearance