
Memphis police officers suspended for ‘disgusting’ social media post

The two unidentified Memphis Police officers were suspended Friday for a picture on Snapchat showing a white person pointing a gun at a cartoon of a young black person.


The image being cited as the image that got the two officers in trouble is a Snapchat picture of a gun being pointed at an emoji of a black man.

A colleague of the officer posted a screen grab of the image on social media with the caption, “So I came across this on my Snapchat from a fellow officer, (and) I don’t know how to take it”. But the officer responsible for the snap, as well as another officer who reposted the haven’t been permanently removed from the MPD; rather, they’ve been suspended, with pay – a fact that has some on social media bristling.

The disturbing display was posted in the wake of two police shootings that killed Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, and on the same night that five cops were killed by a sniper in Dallas.

‘We will conduct a thorough investigation and the individuals responsible will be held accountable’. The Dallas shootings, which were reportedly perpetuated by a lone African American shooter who was targeting police, were carried out in response to two recent police killings of African-American men that were caught on tape and went viral.

The officers have been relieved of duty with pay until they have a hearing.

“This image is disgusting and will not be tolerated”, Rallings said.

While the image is offensive in and of itself, the suspension was allegedly handed down due to the officers violating the department’s social media policy, which requires employees to “avoid any conduct which could compromise the integrity of the Department”.

The officer accused of retweeting it could face punishment, but not as harsh.

“I’m angry, frustrated and disappointed that we continue to go down this path”, Rallings said during the Friday press conference, telling the public that “we can not survive if we do not work together”.


“My job is not shot off with my first emotion”.

MPD Director Rallings and Mayor Strickland