
Obama urges greater respect, understanding after shootings

While in Spain Sunday, the President condemned citizens who attack police officers, saying they are performing a “disservice to the cause” of criminal justice reform.


Instead of spending two days sightseeing in southern Spain and tending to more pressing business in the capital of Madrid, the White House scrapped some of Obama’s events – including a staple of his foreign travels, a question-and-answer forum with young people – and crammed the rest of his schedule into Sunday.

The sense of crisis deepened last week when a black man shot dead five white cops in Dallas, shocking the nation and the world.

Obama said that police and activists need to work together and “listen to each other” in order to mobilise real change in America.

Obama repeated that the vast majority of USA police officers are doing a good job, and said rhetoric portraying them as otherwise does little to rally support for the effort to overhaul a criminal justice system broadly recognized as biased against minorities. “And so some of this was just venting, but I think that the overwhelming majority of people who are involved in the Black Lives Matter movement, what they really want to see is a better relationship between police and the community”. On what is expected to be his last presidential visit to Europe, Obama is visi. Nine officers and two civilians were also injured when an Army veteran opened fire at a protest in downtown Dallas on Thursday evening.

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“Spain is a strong North Atlantic Treaty Organisation ally, we’re grateful for Spain’s many decades of hosting USA forces, and we’re major trading partners”, Obama said in the interview.

And in a speech to troops that seemed to implicitly address tensions both at home and overseas, Obama proclaimed, “People of good will will ultimately overcome the forces that seek to divide us”.

The president traveled to Spain after attending a North Atlantic Treaty Organisation summit in Poland, but the sheer horror over the killings overshadowed most of his public appearances in both countries.

He said that the United States could not hope for a “better ally” than Spain during an address to USA and Spanish military personnel and their families at the base. The sniper killed five officers and wounded seven.

Obama, who has been in Europe since the incident, previously called Gov.

Obama is cutting his first visit to Spain a day short because of a series of deadly shootings in the U.S.

Rajoy has been unable to garner the support he needs to form a new coalition government following elections in December and repeat balloting in late June.

“We’ve had a hard week in the United States”, he told King Felipe VI before they met in private at the Royal Palace in Madrid. Obama visited the base and met with troops stationed there before the flight back to Washington.

Shortly before departing for the base, the White House said Obama met with leaders of Spain’s main opposition parties.


Obama says in the face of humanitarian crises, the US and its North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies will deliver health and hope to those in need.

U.S. President Barack Obama at the NATO Summit in Warsaw on July 9