
Kim Kardashian speaks out about Black Lives Matter

No human has the right to take another human’s life! “I am praying for a full recovery of the seven others injured”. Every human life is valuable. The performance spurred numerous protests by law enforcement organizations around the country and included threats to boycott several of her tour stops, including in Miami, Pittsburgh and Arlington, Texas.


Black US tennis player Serena Williams, who is playing at the Wimbledon tournament, also expressed her dismay at news of Mr Castile’s death, in a tweet.

On Friday, Kim Kardashian West joined the multitude of people weighing in on the deaths of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, two black men shot by police earlier in the week.

We are sick and exhausted of the killings of young men and women in our communities. They were demonstrating against the killing of Philando Castile, a school nutrition services supervisor.

Within the last two days, two black men – Alton Sterling and Philando Castile – have been killed by police in separate incidents.

In Baton Rouge, hundreds of people gathered for a second night of protests at the shop where Mr Sterling, 37, was killed on Tuesday.

Both incidents were filmed by witnesses at each scene; Castile’s death was recorded by his girlfriend who was next to him in his auto, with her four-year-old daughter in the backseat.

Of course, readers have been corralled to that post by the below Instagram update.

More important, I fear the excuse this gives other racists to act on their hatred. “Hate will not win”, she adds. We all have the power to channel our anger and frustration into action.

“We urge all people to remain peaceful in all demonstrations throughout our community and our nation”, the statement read.

The fact that Beyoncé makes a statement all the way from Scotland speaks to the enormity of the issue.

Despite imagery and lyrics in her music video Formation that appeared to be critical of law enforcement, the star has repeatedly rejected the accusation she is “anti-police”. Hear more on his reaction to the tragic events in the video below.


The president also declared that “there is no contradiction between us supporting law enforcement” and stating that “there are problems across our criminal justice system with [racial] bias”, and implored police departments nationwide to instate more bias-free policies. “But let’s be clear: I am against police brutality and injustice”.

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