
Black Lives Matter protesters march through Boston

Those who take part in Black Lives Matter said it’s a diverse movement with people from various ethnicities, age groups and races, but it is not anti-police.


He said: “It’s inherently racist because, number one, it divides us”. “It’s all been peaceful”. On a lighter note, the 405 was the scene of a dinner party when the freeway was shut down for “Carmageddon”.

The march comes after a violent week which saw two black men killed by police and 5 police officers killed by a lone sniper.

Leading Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson was among those arrested on Saturday in Baton Rouge, Louisiana where Sterling, a husband and father of 5, was shot and killed outside a convenience store while selling CD’s.

Just as protesters need to be respectful of police, the law enforcement community needs to listen the the frustrations of people in minority communities, Obama said, and “Not just dismiss these protests and these complaints as political correctness or as politics or attacks on police.”.

It’s still heartwarming to see a Black Lives Matter and an All Lives Matter group display some solidarity, rather than more violence. Instead, he was surrounded by millions of onlookers, most of whom, I feel certain, suffered with and for him. Only six states and Washington, D.C., restrict the open carry of long guns such as the one carried by a man whom Dallas police identified as a suspect but later cleared.

Twelve police officers were shot, five of which were fatally wounded. They talked about how they both want what’s best for Dallas and the people that live there.

Hundreds of people turned out Sunday evening in Boston, Massachusetts for a Black Lives Matter march in search of peace. “And in this case, people that are willing to murder people are not going to follow other laws any more than they’re going to follow a law that prevents them from killing people”.

Echoing statements made by a Lancaster BLM organizer Friday, Graham dismissed Micah Johnson as an outlier, saying his actions should not reflect on an entire movement built around notions of peaceful protest. “We’re peacefully marching, we’re trying to get our message across”.


Following his meeting in Madrid with Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, Obama took questions from the press and went into detail on his views on the Black Loves Matter movement.

People are protesting the shooting death of a black man Alton Sterling by two white police officers at a convenience store parking lot last week. (Scott Clause  The Daily A