
Opposition politicians in United Kingdom call for snap election

He has no democratic mandate.


The Conservative Party membership were denied the opportunity to vote on who should next move into No10 after Andrea Leadsom pulled out following her “vile” comments about motherhood.

Then leader of the opposition, he said at the time: “Gordon Brown doesn’t have the mandate, he wasn’t elected as Prime Minister, and he should go to the country”.

Jon Trickett, Labour’s campaigns and elections chair, has put the party on war footing and called for a snap general election following the apparent confirmation of Theresa May as the next prime minister.

Speaking passionately on his LBC show, Iain said: “I don’t see anyway that either Theresa May should or indeed could call a general election within the next few months”.

The Home Secretary will move into Number 10 after David Cameron completes his final Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday afternoon and formally hands the Queen his resignation.

“Just 13 months after the last election the Conservatives have plunged the United Kingdom into chaos”.

Graham Sharpe from the betting firm said: “Given the schisms which have opened up in both major Parties as a result of Brexit and the Jeremy Corbyn situation it is hard to rule out any of several possible scenarios relating to the next Election and its outcome”. The Conservatives must not be allowed to ignore the electorate, their mandate is shattered and lies in ruins.

“May has not set out an agenda, and has no right to govern”.

But this morning at David Cameron’s last Cabinet meeting, the current Home Secretary is understood to have made it clear she meant to stay in post until 2020 without an election.

She continued that “such an election would be a major challenge for progressives” and called on her counterparts in other parties to ‘look closely at ways of forming a political alliance to give us the best chance of beating the Tories’.

“In light of withdrawal of Andrea Leadsom, case for early General Election clearer than ever”. Brown took over as leader of the Labour Party and Prime Minister from Tony Blair, Ms.

In an article that’s coming back to haunt her, she wrote: “Whenever Gordon Brown chooses to call a general election, we will be ready for him”. He has a reputation tainted by his failures after a decade in office.

The Labour Party, the Liberal Democrats and the Green Party are calling for a general election after the major Government shake-up in the wake of the EU Referendum.


The Mirror reports that the odds of a snap general election have been slashed from 5/2 to 6/4.

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