
Donald Trump offers assurances to GOP rank-and-file in Congress

Hack said Trump’s track record convinced her he is a progressive, not a conservative.


In an interview Monday with The Associated Press, Trump said his plan was not a way to privatize the VA, as some Democrats and veterans groups have warned. “They put all their chips on the table and they lost all of them-if I were them I’d go hide in a closet in Trump Tower”, he says. “This is a way that we’re going to end that”.

Jim Gilmore criticized the so-called “Never Trump” movement in an exclusive one-on-one conversation with BuzzFeed News over the phone on Monday and said his goal is to unify the Republican Party. “It will be fixed”, he said.

Payne agreed that Correll, a delegate representing the 10th Congressional District, shouldn’t face criminal penalties for political activity at the convention, where anti-Trump forces are planning a longshot attempt to stop the controversial businessman from being chosen as the presidential nominee.

Cox accused Trump of “writing a blank check to huge hospital corporations to profit off the suffering of veterans”.

“The VA scandals that have occurred on this administration’s watch are widespread and inexcusable”. The Washington Post reported in May that Trump fulfilled a pledge of $1 million months after promising the funds and after Trump’s then-campaign manager falsely said that he had already donated the money. “And I think that might be just the beginning for this summer”.

Trump was asked how he would get around tightly controlled due-process laws that have hampered efforts to fire employees who are accused of wrongdoing.

“We started there in the early 1990s to create some stability and we are still there today”, Flynn said. “It’s not so much a payoff as it’s sort of you want people in those positions who you know you can trust”.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is up for reelection this year and even by his own estimate, keeping his seat is not exactly going to be a walk in the park.

Trump’s comments were enthusiastically received by his supporters at Virginia Beach, where he was introduced by Rep. Jeff Miller, a Republican from Florida and chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee.

The presumptive GOP nominee spoke Monday in a hotel ballroom to an intimate crowd – a departure from the large, open rallies with thousands of people that have become his calling card.

Trump also is expected, for the first time since he released a scripted video on Friday, to address the killing of five police officers in Dallas during a protest against a pair of recent police shootings.

He added: “We have to talk with the police”. “It is time for the hostility against our police, and against all members of law enforcement, to end – and to end right now”.

Republican Donald Trump is set to deliver a speech on veterans’ health care reform, seeking to spell out his policy agenda and convince still-reticent Republicans to support h im.


However, the two men agree on key national security issues, ranging from criticism of the Iran nuclear deal to Hillary Clinton’s use of personal email while secretary of state.

Michael Flynn