
Donald Trump Gets Some Presidential Advice From Barack Obama On ‘The Tonight

According to Pew, “The widest gaps, when black unemployment was as much as 2.77 times that of white unemployment, came in the late 1980s, as the manufacturing sectors that employed disproportionate shares of African-Americans shriveled”.


“I thought that he would be a great cheerleader for this country”, said Trump. This rejection has nothing to do with Mr. Trump’s differing policy positions; it is who they perceive candidate Trump to be in comparison to President Obama. They are worse now than just about ever…. “Here you have a black president that has done very poorly for the African-Americans of this country”, said Trump. “I think that it’s a shame for the African-American people“.

Trump’s critique of President Obama comes at a point when the President is entering the fourth quarter of his presidency.

Have you ever wondered what a phone conversation between Donald Trump and President Obama would sound like? This likely would be a good thing, as it would prevent Trump from even getting out of the starting gate.

“The media loves me”, Trump countered. Malcolm had the Nation of Islam behind him; while Mr. Trump, by contrast, is among America’s richest entrepreneurs, with real estate around the world, to which he flies to aboard his name-emblazoned private aircraft, decked out, no less, in red, white, and blue.

You always can tell if someone’s a leader; you look behind, is anyone following?

Add to them this fact: Trump believes the American people are, in large numbers, racist.

“Trumpsplaining” is like “mansplaining”, a term that some feminist bloggers apply to the act of explaining something to someone, typically a man to a woman, without any thought to whether the person hearing the explanation already knows more about the topic than the explainer does. There’s a lot of anger with respect to President Obama.

In a July radio interview, Trump prevented his earlier place and as an alternative talked a few completely totally different strategy. That says volumes about what Republican voters want.

Trump will nearly certainly be the center of attention of at Thursday’s televised debate among the top 10 Republican hopefuls in Cleveland, Ohio.


Mr. Trump rides the wave of his charisma, celebrity status and independence; and like his fiery forerunner, works the media to his advantage. This is why Trump appeared on all three US networks’ Sunday political shows.

Donald Trump: Blacks are 'worse than just about ever' because Obama 'set a