
Egypt offers to help revive Israeli-Palestinian peace talks

“I wouldn’t describe it as the relationship we have with the United States of America, but I think it’s a good starting point”.


Peace efforts have made no headway since Netanyahu took office in 2009.

The Egyptian Foreign Ministry said in a statement peace should involve the creation of an independent Palestinian state on 1967 borders (before Israel captured the West Bank and Golan Heights in the Six-Day War), with East Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinian state. This gives him more maneuvering space to make a political movevis-a-vis the Palestinians without risking his politicalfuture. “For Israel it’s important because it shows the willingness to cooperate on a regional level on a regional solution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict”. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the meeting.

There is plenty of work to be done by the Egyptians before thetwo sides will be willing to sit in front of each other at the sametable. Mr Shoukry also warned of the “constant deterioration” of the situation on the ground since the last round of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks collapsed in April 2014.

US negotiators had earlier proposed a total of $3.5 billion to $3.7 billion annually for Israel under the new MOU, but did not say whether this might include missile defense funds.

Without those interests, the visit would not have been able tohave occurred.

In February, Tawfiq Okasha, an Egyptian MP and TV talk-show host, announced he had invited to his home for dinner Israel’s ambassador to Egypt, Haim Koren.

Israeli officials have also praised Egypt for cracking down on Hamas’ smuggling tunnels between Gaza and the Sinai, and Netanyahu and el-Sisi speak by phone frequently.

The Egyptian initiative is based on the 2002 Saudi Peace Initiative, according to which Arab states will sign peace deals with Israel if it ends its conflict with the Palestinians with a peace accord. Israel has allowed Egypt to deploy troops exceeding the numbers stipulated by the peace agreement and has carried out raids targeting militants active on Egyptian soil, according to local press reports.

Israel is wary over Iranian involvement in neighboring countriessuch as Syria and Lebanon.

From his part, Netenyahu welcomed the Egyptian initiative and called on Palestinians to follow the courageous example of Egypt and Jordan and enter direct negotiations, considered the only way for achieving peace. Yet, Egypt’s success will hinge on its ability to convince the two administrations to concede to past sticking points.

There has been a push in recent months by the so-called Mideast Quartet and the French government to restart the peace process. Israel has so far notcooperated with the effort.

Haaretz correspondent Barak Ravid contends that Mr. Shoukry’s visit could signal a diplomatic breakthrough between Israel and the Arab states.


USA lawmakers have in recent years given Israel up to $600 million in annual discretionary funds for missile defense, well beyond the $150 million requested by the Obama administration.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shakes hands with Egyptian foreign minister Sameh Shoukry left in Jerusalem