
Local Black Lives Matter group gathers for peaceful protest in Public Square

While Meyers praised some voices in the public space for proving that you can both “grieve for police officers and advocate for police reform”, he said that “unfortunately others looked at the situation and asked, ‘How can we make things worse?'”


“There’s too much violence in the Black community”.

Marchers yelled police-related chants: “No justice, no peace, no racist police”.

“There is no denying within the police profession – 800,000 of us – that we have racists, we have brutal people, we have criminals, cops who shouldn’t be here”, Bratton said. Denzel Bibbs, a junior at the University of Wisconsin, said he was motivated to join the protest in hopes that it will lead to solutions for a more peaceful environment.

Giuliani continued, and again he quoted an inaccurate percentage of a 99% chance that a Black person will be killed by another Black person, while also giving Black parents suggestions on what to say to their children for precautionary measures. And it comes at a moment when relations between City Hall and 1 Police Plaza are strained – last month, New York City’s largest police union announced it would be launching an independent campaign against de Blasio’s reelection bid in 2017.

From Friday to Sunday Black Lives Matter marches caused road blocks across London over the weekend.

And as people on Twitter point out, citing “black-on-black violence” does nothing to erase police brutality and the fear it inspires.

In St. Paul, Minnesota, where Castile was killed in front of his wife and young child during a traffic stop, police reportedly used smoke bombs to clear protesters who were blocking a major highway on Sunday. “And in this case, people that are willing to murder people are not going to follow other laws any more than they’re going to follow a law that prevents them from killing people”. “That’s not who we are”.

Many people’s reaction to this video would be to criticize the protesters.

As for black people killed by the cops, the rate is two and a half times whites. “Hopefully when I get back to campus, everyone’s going to treat me the same and I hope that my African-American friends will look at our peers the same way”.


Towards the end of his administration, terrorists attacked New York City, flying a pair of jetliners into the Twin Towers. There has certainly been a lack of media coverage over the tragic loss of Black British lives at the hands of those who were meant to protect them: Sheku Bayo, Sarah Reed, Oluseni Lewis and Jermaine Baker, to name a few.

Bill de Blasio I respect Black Lives Matter movement