
Who is on Trump’s short list for vice president?

“Trump has been strategically ambivalent about abortion, and there is no ambivalence in the Pence position”, said Feehery, who is president of QGA Public Affairs in Washington.


Donald Trump said Monday he expects to decide on his vice presidential pick by the end of the week and that he is leaning toward a “political” pick rather than a “military” one. Should Pence withdraw from the governor’s race, it might not be as bad for Indiana Republicans as some might think, Downs said.

Naming a strong conservative like Pence to the ticket could be seen as an effort to placate members of the party who fear that Trump is either a liberal in disguise or an opportunist with no real political convictions at all. You don’t want to embrace the joke nominee, but you don’t want to disrespect the many voters in your party who, in Cruz’s and Rubio’s cases, voted for him in greater numbers than they did for you.

Trump and Pence are both expected at a campaign fundraiser at 5:30 downtown Indianapolis, where requested contributions range from $2,700 a person to $250,000 per couple.

The Associated Press reported that Pence is listed as a host of a private fundraiser for Trump on Tuesday, and also says he will attend an evening Trump rally in suburban Indianapolis.

“Tearing apart different communities in the United States Pence does that in IN we don’t need two of the same”, says resident, Portia Adams.

Pence himself has been even-keeled through Trump’s selection process.

Mike Pence during the Republican Jewish Coalition spring leadership meeting at The Venetian on April 25, 2015, in Las Vegas.

Other top-tier candidates for the vice presidential slot are also appearing with Trump.

“Our concern is that a man like Donald Trump, with a “huge” personality, would operate as the executive he has been – by ordering this and decreeing that, without consulting Congress”, he said. She doesn’t exactly see that as a good thing for Trump’s campaign. Governor Pence has also been a strong supporter of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), writing several letters in support of higher ethanol blends to the EPA.

She said at the time that Trump “loves himself more than the country”. If he bails out now so that he can be Trump’s VP, he’ll trade one potential defeat that could derail his career for another potential defeat that could turn him into a top-flight presidential contender in 2020. This Monday, the Republican nominee campaigned in New Jersey with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, while last week he was accompanied by New Gingrich in Cincinnati.

Rtd Lt Gen Michael T Flynn is being speculated as the one military commander in his short list of running mates.

Numerous Hoosier Republicans quietly hoped Trump would combine his IN campaign stop with the announcement that he had selected Pence for vice president.


An Indiana poll conducted by CEO Bill Oesterle indicated that Pence would face a competitive reelection race against former Democratic Rep. John Gregg of Indiana.

Newt Gingrich