
IOS 10 jailbreak release date: Jailbreak tool delayed due to new patch?

The team at Pangu have made a lot of progress since they devised the jailbreak for iOS 10 even before the official release, and since they even demonstrated some security issues in iOS 9.3.2, the fans of the company are hopeful that they can expect the same soon enough. It is also stated that Apple’s iOS 9.3.3 version is more stable and bug-free as compared to the 9.3.2 operating system. During their demonstration, Pangu showed that they have already been able to jailbreak into the iOS 10 developer beta version, which is impressive since iOS 10 is touted to be more secure and more hard to jailbreak than the previous versions. Cydia had been working on devices that were compatible with the Apple iOS 10 to come out with it.


It’s also possible that jailbreaks for both iOS 9.3.2 and 9.3.3 may not be released at all. This hints at the fact that they have been working on the iOS 9.3 jailbreak and are looking for some more positive developments before they can release the jailbreak. This sparked unconfirmed reports that the group is preparing to release a jailbreak version for it.

The reason behind this is that Apple is planning to go ahead with the next in line updates of iOS 9.3.3 which would be the right time to release the tool so that maximum number of iPhone and iPad users will be able to get Cydia installed. In case users update their devices to iOS 9.3.3, they will be prevented from downgrading to the older version of the iOS. It could also mean that Pangu is now working on to flawless the iOS 9.3 jailbreak before dropping to public.

Still, if the next jailbreak to be made available will be for the iOS 9.3.3 instead of the iOS 9.3.2 that likely translates to people having to wait yet again, though that may not be much of an issue given how the desire for a new jailbreak has just continued to escalate with each passing day that a new one has not been released.


The report explains that this also means a proper jailbreak for iOS 9.3.3 and 9.3.2 will not release until the end of this year, presumably around September to November when Apple’s attention has completely shifted to iOS 10 and have no further intentions of updating and patching iOS 9. With this in mind the jailbreak took might come out by late December or even early 2017.

iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak to be released next instead of iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak?