
#AllLivesDidntMatter: Twitter trend challenges opponents of Black Lives Matter

“Black lives matter, white lives matter, Asian lives matter, Hispanic lives matter”.


New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday that the Black Lives Matter movement has changed the discussion on race in the United States “for the better”.

His comments came in the aftermath of the shooting of Dallas police officers last week, in which gunman Micah Johnson targeted officers patrolling a non-violent Black Lives Matter march against the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile at the hands of law enforcement.

Right afterwards, Jesse Lee Peterson called Black Lives Matter “a racial radical evil organization… worse than the KKK”, and it just took off from there.

But Giuliani can’t let something as important as BLM pass him by without attempting to stifle it and raise his sky-high ego a little bit higher with the help of corporate media and a bit of rah-rah cop support to top it off. “I believe I saved a lot more black lives than Black Lives Matter”.

Ed Mullins said that all lives matter to law enforcement and “black lives matter” is unnecessarily divisive.

The police, he added, must see that there is a dominating sense of fear of them in the black community, whether it is justified or not, and maintain a zero-tolerance policy towards disrespect by officers towards people of color.

Giuliani’s apparently rhetorical figure may be derived from the FBI’s 2014 homicide statistics which recorded that 90 percent of black people are killed by black people.

Giuliani also defended himself against criticism that he did not appreciate the problems faced by the black community, standing by his record as mayor of New York City from 1994 to 2001.


“It’s inherently racist because, number one, it divides us”. However, to answer their opponents who counter with “all lives matter”, the hashtag #AllLivesDidntMatter was used on Twitter.

Racist Rudy Giuliani: “The Real Danger To Black Children Are Other Black Kids” [VIDEO]