
Overwatch’s latest hero reveal is Ana Amari – not Sombra

Blizzard plans to expand Overwatch in the coming months with a number of new Heroes, and the publisher revealed the first this afternoon.


Everyone expected Blizzard to reveal Sombra as the next Overwatch hero.

Ana’s primary weapon is her Biotic Rifle, which fires long-range darts that can restore the health of her allies or deal ongoing damage to her enemies. The grenade gives affected allies a temporary boost to any additional healing, while affected enemies won’t be able to heal at all.

Ana’s “Ultimate” is a Nano boost, which pumps allies full of combat drugs, giving them faster movement, higher damage resistance and increased damage. She also has a handy sleep dart to knock Overwatch enemies temporarily unconscious, and a close-range Biotic grenade with a similar “heal friends, hurt baddies” effect to the rifle.

Looking at the photo, it appears to be none other than Pharahs mother, Ana Amari, who is deeply embedded in the game’s cinematics and comics. If you want to get to know her better in the meantime, be sure to check out her origin story trailer here. Ana Amari, a professional sniper from Egypt, was one of the five founders of Overwatch.


PC players can test out Ana on the Public Test Realm today with more information to follow, likely on her public availability and release on consoles.

'Overwatch' news: Blizzard talks new hero during this year's San Diego Comic-Con