
31 cases of Zika in Maryland

Obama said researchers are beginning to develop and test a vaccine for the mosquito-borne virus.


Naturally, the partisans disagree over which side is more heartless in its disregard for pregnant women and their babies at risk of developing Zika-related microcephaly. They studied more than 600 cases Zika virus infection in the country and found over 100 had head circumferences within the normal range.

Only one in five people with the virus will display any symptoms, but there are nevertheless serious problems for pregnant women.

Officials say, two New Castle men tested positive for the Zika virus.

“This is not the time to play politics”, Obama said in remarks delivered in the White House Oval Office following a meeting with National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases chief Anthony Fauci and other officials. But pregnant women who contract the virus can give birth to babies with a severe birth defect known as microcephaly.

South Korea has confirmed its sixth Zika virus infection in a woman who returned from the Dominican Republic, local health authorities said Friday. For others, the symptoms may include fever, a rash, itchy eyes, and joint pain.

Ahead of the Brazil Summer Olympics, the World Health Organisation declared the Zika virus outbreak as a global emergency.

This 2006 photo provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows a female Aedes aegypti mosquito in the process of acquiring a blood meal from a human host.

The World Health Organization has said there is strong scientific consensus that Zika also can cause Guillain-Barre, a rare neurological syndrome that causes temporary paralysis in adults.

Meanwhile, three more American babies reported born with defects, which link to Zika virus, RT reported.


President Barack Obama said that he expects Congress to get the funding secured before the two chambers adjourn, saying it’s “part of their basic responsibility”.

Snohomish County