
Sanders expected to endorse Clinton NH

Five weeks after Clinton clinched the Democratic presidential nomination, the USA senator from Vermont is scheduled to join her at a rally created to put their bitter primary campaign behind them and emphasize a shared commitment to beating Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, in the November 8 election.


The primary effectively ended well over a month ago after Mrs. Clinton crossed the delegate threshold needed to become her party’s nominee, but Mr. Sanders still fought on, claiming his candidacy represented a larger fight for progressive priorities such as debt-free college, stronger Wall Street regulations and other issues.

In recent days, Clinton-aligned Democrats have made major concessions to Sanders.

“I am proud to stand with her today”, Sanders said.

Hillary Clinton is to face Donald Trump to become the next president of the U.S. in the November elections.

The reins to the revolution have been handed over – to Hillary Clinton.

“Hillary Clinton is far and away the best candidate to do that”, he said.

Republican Donald Trump has been trying to draw Sanders supporters to his campaign.

“Secretary Clinton has won the Democratic nominating process”, Sanders declared on Tuesday in a join appearance in the USA state of New Hampshire.

During his endorsement of Clinton in New Hampshire on Tuesday, Sanders said his campaign was about people who are “left out and left behind”.

“The American people are sick and exhausted about hearing about your damn emails”, he said during a Democratic debate October 13, 2015.

Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton at a rally Tuesday in the battleground state of New Hampshire, formally backing his opponent after a hard-fought primary season.

Sanders has spent the past month seeking to influence the party’s platform for the Philadelphia convention and promote electoral reforms including allowing independents to participate in future primaries.

Chants of “Bernie” broke out in the gymnasium while opening speakers addressed the crowd, prompting Clinton’s faithful to chant, “Unity”. In recent Reuters/Ipsos polling, only about 40 percent of Sanders’ supporters now say they will back Clinton.

Sanders conceded the race and offered unqualified support for Clinton at the boisterous Portsmouth event, saying she “must” win the 2016 election.

Trump has also been taunting Sanders on Twitter, suggesting that he has sold out his supporters.

The congressional group is led by two of Sanders’ biggest backers in Congress – Raul Grijalva of Arizona, who already had endorsed Clinton, and Keith Ellison of Minnesota.

He added: “The candidate who ran against special interests is endorsing the candidate who embodies special interests”.


Sanders has pressed for Clinton’s support of policy stances on higher education, health care and a $15-an-hour minimum wage.

Sanders endorses Clinton's White House bid