
House Republicans call for Clinton perjury investigation

However, FBI Director Comey found that it was possible that “hackers gained access”, noting in particular that she used her private email to send sensitive information while in countries where bad actors and enemies of the United States were surely present and that at least some of her emails were, in fact, compromised.


A strong majority, 82 percent, agree Clinton’s private email setup was inappropriate, and a smaller majority, 56 percent, disagreed with the FBI’s conclusion that she will not face criminal charges.

House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, sent a letter to Channing Phillips, the USA attorney for the District of Columbia, on Monday, asking for a new probe to determine with Clinton “committed perjury and made false statements during her testimony under oath before congressional committees”.

The request comes in the wake of FBI Director James Comey’s recent testimony saying Clinton’s truthfulness in her statements before Congress weren’t considered in the agency’s investigation.

Notably, Trump is beating Clinton with voters younger than 50, 51% to 32%, while Clinton is winning with Iowa voters aged 50 and older, 50% to 38%. “They don’t want to antagonize a committee”.

Lynch will testify before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday morning.

It reminded me of a Hollywood friend who, on the way to the Cannes Film Festival some years ago, was arrested in Munich on drug charges.

Trump, a wealthy real estate developer, presented himself as “the law and order candidate” and called Clinton weak.

A third and final question asked: “Does this issue make you worry about how Clinton might handle her responsibilities if she’s elected president, or do you think it’s not related to how she might handle her responsibilities if elected?”

FBI Director James Comey’s news conference on the conclusion of the Hillary Clinton investigation reminded me of another staged media event in a hostile environment nearly 50 years ago.

“Congressional committees can’t necessarily draw knockout blows, but they can draw blood”, Baker said of the referral.

In a mere 11 days, arrogant, selfish actions by the Clintons contaminated three of the purest brands in Washington – Barack Obama, James Comey and Loretta Lynch – and jeopardized the futures of loyal aides.

Comey made no such clarification during his public statement or before the House Oversight Committee.

Last October, in testimony to the House Benghazi panel, Clinton said she never sent or received emails marked as classified when she served as secretary of state. Rep. Buddy Carter (R., Ga.) said an “inside-the-Beltway mentality” was keeping Comey from bringing charges.

Comey said she had used multiple devices and that thousands of work-related emails were not turned over to the State Department, as it requested, but he could not say whether they were deleted intentionally.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation verified what we’ve long known: For the last 16 months, Hillary Clinton has been lying to Iowans and the American people by showing bad judgment and reckless behavior with classified information, all the while, endangering national security.

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