
Parents Of Dallas Shooter Say Son Became ‘Hermit’ After Military Service

After he was discharged from the Army in 2015, Johnson started studying black history and displaying images of black power on his Facebook page, his father says. “I didn’t see it coming”, said Johnson’s father, James.


“We’re hiring”, he told reporters Monday in response to a question about what advice he’d give young black men.

He said the department has misspoke for days and that Johnson died inside El Centro Community College.

He said 13 officers used force against Johnson during the stand-off, in which Johnson was killed by a robot bomb.

A picture featuring a woman in a dress standing calmly before two heavily body-armoured police officers during a Black Lives Matter protest in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is circulating on social media. You know what I want, ‘ ” Dallas Police Chief David Brown recalled Monday.

Last Thursday, a sniper named Micah Johnson opened fire on police officers during a downtown peaceful protest against police’s killing of African-Americans in two other states, killing five officers and injuring seven others and two civilians.

Meanwhile, Johnson’s parents revealed how their son went to Afghanistan in 2014 as a “gung-ho” soldier but returned home a sullen “hermit” suddenly radicalized in the black-power movement.

Dallas Police Chief David Brown at a news conference in Texas, 11 July.

“I’d do it again”.

To be sure, police relations are far better than they were 30 years ago, when The Associated Press identified Dallas as the No. 1 city for police shootings.

Police said Johnson had been planning an even bigger attack.

He said, “He knew what he was doing”. Get off that protest line and get an application in.

Mr Brown said the events would not discourage the department, which has seen 12 consecutive years of crime reduction. Three young men appeared startled Sunday when an officer pulled up in his police auto. He shot dead five police, wounding nine more officers and two civilians. Obama is also expected to meet privately with the families of police officers who were killed or injured.


Dallas police announced plans for the first three of the officers’ funerals, which will take place on Wednesday and Thursday.

Rev. Peter Johnson at his home in southern Dallas. He says Micah Xavier Johnson offered to work security for protesters outside a Donald Trump appearance in Dallas