
Enda Kenny snubs calls for him to resign as Taoiseach

In a speech broadcast by RTE, Kenny said he had “no intention of being diverted from… that responsibility that I’ve undertaken and which I have received a mandate to fulfil”.


One of the main dissenters, Kerry TD Brendan Griffin, today said back bench TDs have now done all they can to force the leadership issue and that any further movement “requires” ministers with ambitions to replace Mr Kenny to make their view known.

“In respect of the Government and the party, we are in a position now where the Government is in situ”.

However, she did acknowledge that the Common Travel Area border between Ireland and the United Kingdom is unique.

Griffin said he was considering filing a motion of no confidence in Kenny at Fine Gael’s weekly party meeting on Wednesday, but senior ministers came out in support of the prime minister.

Merkel reiterated that it was now up to London to formally trigger Article 50 to leave the European Union following last month’s shock referendum backing a Brexit.

“The Irish voice will be heard as much as every other voice”.

“We will approach the post-Brexit challenges on the basis of friendship between the two countries”.

He was reacting to the news that his party colleagues have called for the Taoiseach to set out a timeline for his departure.

Meanwhile, Mr Kenny has told his party colleagues to concentrate on their work instead of trying to push him into retiring.


“I am very confident that we’ll soon reach an agreement which will be in the best interest of Italy, of Europe and within the rules”, Padoan told CNBC.

Enda Kenny said he was concentrating on the programme for governmentMARKUS SCHREIBER  AP