
Scottish Conservatives to Denounce 2nd Independence Vote as ‘Irresponsible’

Davidson said she responded: “That is great, Craig, but are you absolutely sure you want two short-haired, flat shoes, shovel-faced lesbians with northern accents?”


May made clear she was “committed to a close and constructive relationship with the Scottish Government”, Davidson said.

“I don’t think he’d ever been spoken to like that before because he turned into essentially Hugh Grant in his response: “Er uh er”.

She then joked about her ally Stephen Crabb’s – who she originally backed for the leadership – latest woes, saying: “Sorry that’s not even my speech, that’s just a text from Stephen Crabb”.

She said whoever negotiated Brexit needed “a quick mind, an iron will, a certain charm”.

The Scottish Conservatives leader offered some advice to the Prime Minister-in-waiting to get “involved early” in the campaign to save the UK during a high-profile speech in the UK Parliament.

‘I’m not going to stand here and say what Germany’s negotiating position is going to be because I don’t know what it is. “I don’t know why people think we act or argue differently, or set out agendas differently but I would really like it if either your agenda or your sexuality didn’t have to be remarked upon at all”.

She also reiterated her call for new Prime Minister Theresa May to guarantee the status of European Union nationals living in the UK.

“And that is nothing to do with the fact that I’ve just got engaged to an Irish EU migrant”, Davidson added.

Speaking later to the Commons lobby, the Scottish Tory leader admitted that the Brexit vote is “testing this country’s sense of unity” as an “overwhelming” majority of Scots voted to Remain in the EU.

“For us in Scotland, where people voted overwhelmingly to stay in the EU, the result is testing the bounds of the Union as well”. It’s not enough to say to people who have come here and made a home here, and have made their life here, that we want your labour, that’s all we want.

But she explicitly did not rule out the possibility of a second referendum in the future if circumstances changed. “I think the really mad thing is that the last man standing is Jeremy Corbyn”, she said.

Nicola Sturgeon has called on new prime minister Theresa May to respect Scotland’s vote to remain part of the European Union.

She said that Mrs May was passionate about the Union and “focused on the need for strong and positive engagement between the United Kingdom and Scottish governments going forward”.

Davidson added she had emphasised the importance of the European single market to the Scottish economy – a contentious issue among the Conservative Party given that access to the single market under EU rules is tied to allowing freedom of movement. “What does that cost?”

She said: “Before politics not only was I a BBC journalist, I single handedly saved the British banking system during the Barings collapse, I piloted Apollo 13 back down to earth”.


Davidson said Corbyn had “become a national joke – utterly in denial about his own fate and determined to cling on to the last few shreds of his party as the rest of it sinks to the bottom of the sea”. She said: “Sometimes the independence referendum felt like you were in the trenches, and I’d rather have had him in the trenches with me than not”.

Nicola Sturgeon