
Rex Ryan eats dog treats to end animal cruelty

Ryan participated in the SPCA’s Dog Biscuit Challenge, in which participates create a video of themselves eating a dog biscuit and then challenging other friends to do the same.


The awareness campaign hit close to home, as Ryan is the proud owner of four rescue animals himself, two dogs and two cats. “I never realized – I did see this, there are five calories in these bad boys”. However, after Ryan chowed down a couple miniature Milk Bones, and Sydney happily ate one, Ryan put it to the team owner, Terry Pegula, to join them. The Buffalo Bills head coach has proven to be one of the most polarizing figures in the NFL over his coaching career.

“Yeah, that’s outstanding”, Ryan said. “I had the lap band [surgery], [so it] can’t be the big ones, the large ones”.

Ryan acknowledged he was challenged on Wednesday, saying based off his name alone, he’d have no problem gobbling down a K-9 treat, and Thursday he set to the task.

Soon after, Pegula challenged Pro Bowl defensive tackle Marcell Dareus.


Because, while we really shouldn’t have to raise awareness for worthy causes, there’s no doubt that the higher profile celebrity you can get to do something nobody wants to do, the more people you can get to donate money to said cause.

Buffalo Bills head coach Rex Ryan speaks