
Gay GOP Delegate Calls for Neutrality on Same-Sex Marriage

To make that argument, he sued the state over a law that requires Virginia’s delegates to be bound to the victor of its primary in a winner-take-all fashion. Payne, nominated in 1992 by President George Herbert Walker Bush, declared late Monday that the statute “exceeds the powers retained by the Commonwealth of Virginia under the Constitution of the United States and can not be enforced”.


Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s likely nominee, has said he supports traditional marriage but has not made this issue a focal point of his campaign. Trump received about a third of the vote in Virginia’s primary, narrowly edging out Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).

“It is an excellent opinion that makes perfectly clear that states like Virginia can not constitutionally regulate the way in which political parties arrange their affairs, including how delegates to the national convention vote”. The 83-year-old justice is the subject of controversy after she told CNN this week that Trump is a “faker” who is driven by his ego. The case’s judgment, Correll v Herring, only restrains the state of Virginia from punishing Correll.

While Republican opposition to statehood is in line with GOP actions on Capitol Hill, the party lines haven’t always been so clear.

However, it also means the “Free the Delegates” effort is effectively over. Therefore, the Court so declares and will enter judgment on that score on his behalf on Counts I and II.

Mr. Chairman, we are calling on you to support us in reaffirming the longstanding principle that delegates to the GOP Convention can vote their conscience in the name of preserving the legacy of our party and our nation.

But the ruling issued Monday by a federal judge in Richmond is limited in scope. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law.

“There’s so much energy to do this”, said Dane Waters, co-founder of Delegates Unbound, one group challenging the widely held conventional wisdom that GOP rules require almost all delegates to back a specific candidate, based on state primaries and caucuses. The riots between anti-war protesters and Chicago police outside the convention venue was an outward example of the political disarray inside as delegates battled over candidate nominees Hubert Humphrey, Eugene McCarthy and George McGovern.

“The delegates are not interested in changing the rules of the game at this late stage”, said Trump’s campaign counsel, Donald McGahn II.

The Republican National Committee rules committee met Tuesday and declined to take up a challenge to the requirement that delegates are obligated to vote for the candidate they are bound to. Each convention adopts its own rules, and the rules of the previous convention can not bind this year’s convention. Rather, members seemed intent on keeping their thumbs off the scale and allowing the separate convention rules panel, which gathers here Thursday and Friday, to make its own decision.

Annie Dickerson, a Republican delegate from NY, said the change relied upon “outrageous, disgusting evidence” and represented “another poke in the eye to the gay community”.


Finishing almost 40 percentage points higher than his closest rival, Trump did so well among Rhode Island’s GOP voters in the April 26 primary that most of the state’s delegates are die-hard supporters who were elected to represent him.

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