
Newseum will acquire set of ‘The Daily Show With Jon Stewart’

The episode is scheduled to be 50 minutes long, allowing for a few extra surprises. While not as critical of Obama as he was of Bush, Stewart managed to find his voice, pressuring Obama on promises made during his campaign and throughout his tenure, once again the voice of the frustrated folk who, in 2008, were in their late 20s and are now pushing mid-30s. “Have I caused this?” She had been in the audience four times before, but felt that Stewart’s last week was something special. I guess you just have to watch a lot of shows to catch on, and unfortunately I like to close my eyes late at night.


Which means that tonight’s Stewart’s finalDaily Show” as host has been inspiring analysis of his impact, and round-ups of his best moments.

So it’s understandable that many longtime Daily Show viewers are taking the end of Jon Stewart’s time at the desk a little personally.

Armed with a razor-sharp wit and research team adept at finding video evidence of hypocrisy or unintentional comedy among the nation’s establishment, Stewart turned a sleepy basic-cable entertainment show into a powerful cultural platform.

Stewart has been the face of The Daily Show since January of 1999, when he succeeded Craig Kilborn.

As he continued, clips showing Stewart’s beloved New York Mets began to play.

“The world is demonstrably worse than when I started”, he panics. To this day, Jon Stewart is the reason I follow the news.

But Comedy Central does. A 2014 Pew Research Center poll showed that 12 percent of adults tuned into to “The Daily Show” for their news, just 1 percent behind The New York Times.


One of Stewart’s amusing foes, Arby’s, also marked the occasion this week by buying two ads on Wednesday’s show. The fast food giant has finally decided to get in on the joke. Roughly equal shares of online Americans trust (16%) and distrust (18%) The Daily Show as a source of government and political news, but there is a strong ideological split in who trusts the show: nearly half (45%) of consistent liberals say they trust The Daily Show, while less than 1% of consistent conservatives say the same. It’s called The Daily Deli (double corned beef and deli mustard on marble rye), and it’s for us to eat “whenever the sad thoughts come back” about Jon leaving.

The penultimate episode of'The Daily Show featured a very sentimental Jon Stewart